Tesco to sell Viagra
It's the day that every flaccid 40-something has been waiting for, replacing old events such as 'the day Dakota Fanning turns 16' and 'Thai Bride Discount Week'.
Yes it appears that not only are Tesco adamant on expanding into every piece of greenery this country has to offer they are venturing into the lucrative world of pills and potions. Having already taken a stranglehold on groceries, fuel, insurance, home delivery, catalogue purchasing, mobile phones, clothing and foreign currency exchange, they too want a piece of the blue pie that previously came at a huge price.
Whilst Tesco have housed pharmacies in their supermarkets, they have never offered the little blue pill to customers looking for something stronger than Nuts magazine. That is until now.
Viagra is to be made available to the every day Joe, ready to be collected at your nearest convenience in front of your neighbours no doubt. The problem is the competition are having their backs rubbed up the wrong way due to the price - Tesco are selling it at half the regular price.
Yes, get your discount clothing, beans, suet pudding... and then pick up your pills to get the willy in gear. That sexy lingerie you bought for the wife just didn't cut it, did it? Admit it.
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